"Womanhood turned hex for Marilyn Monroe in consumerist era – Swami OMA The AKK"
Enlightened citizens of Kashi(Varanasi) gathered in the city today for the seminar “Marilyn-Lust & Liberation” organized by the spiritual organization “AKK-OMA’s Cosmos for AKK Revelation” to celebrate the 90th Birth Anniversary of eminent Hollywood actress and sex goddess “Marilyn Monroe” at Barista Lounge, Cantonment. This was a first of its kind event where Marilyn Monroe’s birthday was celebrated by any organization in India & first time in the world where a spiritual guru gave his discourse over the sex symbol, “Marilyn Monroe”. Explaining some incidents from the life of Marilyn Monroe, Aadhyatm Murti Swami OMA The AKK said that her womanhood turned out to be a hex for her in the consumerist society. Marilyn Monroe went through many sore moments in her life due to the distorted lust of society. Marilyn did not just symbolize the American society but also the modern society where every being turns into mere objects. Aadhyatm Murti Swa...